About Me


I was born in New York City and am currently living between New York, Miami Beach and Paris. I’ve been designing for the past 25 years. My inspiration comes from years of travel, living in europe, the world of fashion and thru historical references. I have a passion for all things of extraordinary craftsmanship, beauty, rarity and luxury. My personal style of decoration, architecture and landscape design are widely varied. From classical, traditional, modern, postmodern, and contemporary design, my work and interest is the mix that occurs within these varied styles. I don’t take decoration too seriously and enjoy playfulness, ethnic references, fantasy and often risk taking. My work has been published in House and Garden Magazine, Metropolitan Home, House Beautiful, Elle Decor, Palm Beach Gardens and the recently printed book, Glamour and HB’s book, Small Spaces. I also drive a Figaro and have what some might call an “un-dog”. Her name is Tosca.